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Brand Profile - Floris London

Brand Profile - Floris London

The founder of Floris, Juan Famenias Floris, arrived in England from his native island of Menorca to seek his fortune. Shortly after his arrival, in 1730, he secured premises in Jermyn Street in the elegant quarter of London's St. James. Juan Famenias Floris initially set up business as a barber and comb-maker, however he soon missed the aromas and sensations of his Mediterranean youth.

In an attempt to put form to these memories he began blending oils, essences and fixatives, transported from Europe, into the first Floris fragrances. He used the skills he had acquired during his stay in Montpellier, which at the time vied with Grasse as the capital of French perfumery. These fragrances were blended for customers on an individual basis, their formula carefully recorded so further supplies could be made. Fragrance quickly became Juan Floris's true vocation and has led to Floris as it thrives today.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, where the Court shopped, the gentry followed and the Floris ledgers of this period detail accounts held by an incredible array of public figures, including practically every European Royal. Beau Brummell, the dandy of his day in the early 19th century, would often discuss his current fragrances at length with Mr Floris.

Floris is even a fictional character's choice! Floris No.89 was famously writer Ian Fleming's favourite fragrance and No.89 is renowned as James Bond's scent, while Al Pacino's character in Scent of a Woman famously declared he knew the woman in his 'sights' (sic) was wearing Floris fragrance.

Floris is so steeped in history that staff continue to use many unique practices without a second thought. One of the most endearing of these stems back to the late 19th century when Floris began to accept cash payments as well as account customers. It was considered extremely ill-form to give customers dirty or crumpled change, so all coins were taken downstairs and scrubbed clean and notes were pressed flat. The customer's change would then be produced clean and sparkling on a velvet covered mahogany change-pad - thus ensuring that neither staff nor customer would suffer the embarrassment of their hands touching or that ladies dirty their gloves. Today, the velvet mahogany change-pads remain and customers are still handed their change in this manner although rather necessarily the practice of `laundering` money has disappeared!

Floris customers are those with an individual nature who have a desire for quality and luxury and The Gentleman's Groom Room are proud to have been an official authorised stockist of these fine fragrance, shaving and grooming products for almost a decade.

In todays fragrance industry, increasingly dominated by heavily advertised brands it is refreshing to know there are still companies such as Floris, the oldest family owned perfumery in the world, dedicated to the creation of original fragrances of the highest quality.

Floris have been granted no fewer than seventeen Royal Warrants.
